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第一個推薦頻道:Not So Blonde

I love oversize & vintage fashion, but also making fashion documentaries on the street!! I do WHAT ARE PEOPLE WEARING (Street Style) videos in Paris and around the world… For me it’s in the street, that you find the most inspiring people and styles.

Not So Blonde這部頻道主要是拍攝現今巴黎街頭上的人們如何穿搭,並協助我們找尋我們想要的或者有興趣的穿搭方式,提升穿搭技巧以及看這些人如何自信的展現穿衣風格。每部影片都是以隨機拍攝的方式呈現。作者一遇到她認為穿搭有趣的人,就會上前拍攝。



Parisian Vibe is the go-to destination for French fashion and beauty. PV immerses itself in French culture through the lens of Parisian it-girls and talents — how they shop, live, and date; what they wear, listen to and watch; and how they remain effortlessly chic. Our original content includes short-form videos and dedicated series — bringing you a piece of Paris, wherever you are.

ParisianVibe主要是分享在巴黎的生活A piece of Paris Every Week,內容涵蓋很廣,其中以時尚為主,分享模特兒、網紅的穿搭、感情以及對於生活的思考。拍攝也以問答以及跟拍的方式呈現。從如何約會,到二手服裝店的推薦,只要是想知道有關Parisian Style的資訊,這個頻道絕對不能錯過。



n this new web series from MessyNessyChic, Nessy takes us on a nostalgic Parisian adventure to curious places, past and present.

MessyNessyChic以巴黎人的視角,分享在巴黎的生活的點點滴滴,除了告訴觀看者真正的巴黎是什麼樣子,也充滿冒險以及求知慾的精神探索一些巴黎鮮為人知的秘密景點,像是巴黎鬼鎮Ville Fantome或者是充滿藝術氣息的私人博物館Féau & Company。